The single-player story follows Ajay Ghale, an English-speaking Nepalese native who returns to Kyrat, a wild and untamed region of the Himalayas to scatter his mother's ashes. Once there, he becomes caught up in a civil war as the people struggle under the despotic regime of self-appointed king Pagan Min (Troy Baker), ruling under an oppressive monarchy. Far Cry 4 marks the first time in the Far Cry series that the main characters are natives to the country in which the game takes place. EXPLORE AN OPEN WORLD FILLED WITH POSSIBILITIES
Discover the most diverse Far Cry world ever created. With terrain spanning from lush forests to the snowcapped Himalayas, the entire world is alive…and deadly. From leopards, rhinos, black eagles, and vicious honey badgers, Kyrat is home to abundant wildlife. As you embark on your hunt for resources, know that something may be hunting you…
Scout enemy territory from above in the all-new gyrocopter and then plummet back to earth in your wing suit. Climb aboard the back of a six-ton elephant and unleash its raw power on your enemies.
Choose the right weapon for the job, no matter how insane or unpredictable that job might be. With a diverse arsenal, you’ll be prepared for anything.
Not every journey should be taken alone. Far Cry 4 allows for a second player to drop in and drop out at any point, re-imagining the cooperative experience in the true spirit of Far Cry for the next generation. You’ll now be able to discover and explore the living open world of Kyrat together.
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